Clorhexidina Lainco 10 mg/ml solution for skin spraying


Clorhexidine digluconate 10 mg/ml

Colorless and transparent solution for skin spraying used as an antiseptic for wounds and minor burns as well as an antiseptic for the navel of newborns. 

Useful in disinfection of:

  • Wounds
  • Domestic and minor burns
  • Cuts


Technical specifications

Apply once or twice a day.
For cutaneous use, use undiluted. Clean and dry the wound before applying the medicine. Apply directly on the affected area or on a gauze. Leave to act and dry.

*The application in children under 30 months should only be done under medical supervision.

Chlorhexidinedigluconate 10 mg/ml, purified water.

25 ml – CN: 761790.7: PVP 6,00 €, PVP IVA 6,24 €
100 ml x 20 frascos – CN: 607615.6 (Clinical Pack)
250 ml x 20 frascos – CN: 607616.3 (Clinical Pack)

Medication not subject to medical prescription. Not included in the offer of the National Health System.