

Since our founding, research, development and innovation have been at the heart of our corporate culture. Thanks to these three concepts, since 1934, we have continued to support our customers with solutions that support their health and protect the world’s food production.



At our facilities we have laboratories equipped with the latest technologies, the in-house development of all our solutions. The internal management of the R&D process, manufacturing and quality control, all under international certifications such as ISO 9001, ENAC, etc., help us to continuously improve and strive for excellence.



We have over 20 highly qualified professionals at the helm of our laboratories, forming a multidisciplinary team: pharmacists, agronomists, chemists, biologists and biotechnologists, among others. With all this we achieve different approaches, great synergies, but, above all, powerful ideas.


New solutions

The future of health, both for people and crops, is strongly oriented towards innovation and natural ingredients. For this reason, since 2019, we have had a new research and manufacturing plant for biological solutions, adapting to the demands of both society and our customers.