TYPE OF PRODUCT: Pheromone dispenser
USE: Monitoring
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Z-11-Hexadecenal
Attractive trap for the cotton bollworn (Helicoverpa armigera)
ARMIGERA Pro Caps® It is a patented microencapsulated pheromone for the capture of the Helicoverpa (Helicoverpa armigera). Helicoverpa larvae are highly polyphagous, feeding on various crops such as cotton, sunflowers, beans, corn, soybeans, sorghum, tobacco, tomatoes, and various fruit crops. Among the protected crops, tomatoes are particularly vulnerable, experiencing more severe damage.
Pheromones are substances produced by insects that act as signals between individuals of the same species. There are different types of pheromones, such as alarm, aggregation, and sexual pheromones. Monitoring with sexual pheromones is based on an attractant placed inside a trap that mimics the substance produced by the female. The attractant lures males, which are then captured. This allows for the detection of the onset of the pest and tracking its infestation level. Monitoring also contributes to decision-making (to implement a curative intervention) and/or measure the effectiveness of a treatment.
ARMIGERA Pro Caps® stands out not only for its effectiveness but also for its commitment to the environment, being completely biodegradable. Its easy storage at room temperature simplifies handling in various conditions, offering convenience and flexibility in its application. Furthermore, its extended shelf life of 2.5 years ensures lasting availability, consolidating this product as a safe and sustainable solution. The product is efficient, selective, and harmless to fauna, flora, operators, and residents. Free of residues, inputs, or resistance mechanisms, it is a suitable product for use in organic agriculture.
ARMIGERA Pro Caps® syringe + Smart Trap.
Trap setup: place the pheromone holder (cage) in the upper part of the trap. Put a drop of the product into the lower part. Snap the upper part of the trap into place. Empty the remaining content of the syringe into the pheromone holder. The moths are attracted by the sexual pheromone, enter the trap and are caught.
› DETECTION PERIOD: from May to October and the whole world in tropical areas. It depends on the location (adjust and renew the pheromone dispenser according to the recommended diffusion time).
› TRAP LOCATION: hung 30 cm above the crop.
› DENSIDAD RECOMENDADA: 1-3 traps /ha.